Torx screws have been in existence since the early 1900s and require a specialized driver to remove. These screws provide better security as well as allowing for a higher and more consistent torque than traditional screw heads. Our selection of nut and torx driver sets allow you to tackle any torx screw you come across, providing you with a wide variety of sizes. These sets also include hex drivers and many other drivers to prepare you for anything. Our intermediate auto TEP set includes everything you need for a comprehensive tool set, including screwdrivers, nut and torx driver sets, circuit testers, hacksaws, hammers, gasket scrapers, and more. Looking for the best way to tackle traditional fasteners and nuts? Browse our selection of gear driver master sets to find the tools you need to access any fastener. With magnetic bits, you will not have to worry about dropping or losing parts. Many of our sets feature high torque drivers that will limit the wear on your fasteners and sockets.
With over 80 years of combined staff experience in the automotive industry, you can be sure that we have your best interests in mind. We carry the highest quality materials and products at affordable prices and our website has become a favorite for licensed mechanics and hobbyists alike. Want to know more about our selection of nut and torx driver sets before you buy? Call or contact us via email to speak to one of our expert customer service representatives and we would be happy to assist.